Human Nature Design
Designing for humans first
What does it mean to be human today? What constitutes our human nature? How does the design of our environment take our human nature into account? How is it perceived? Is it perceived at all?
For our work, it is essential to recognize human expectations and behaviours that are actually obvious but often not felt, sensed, considered or understood.
We are certain that only those who understand what people feel and why they feel it will be able to credibly shape a more human, more natural and more sustainable living environment.
The exploration of natural, intuitive feelings and actions is at the heart of our strategic work. Our ideas, models and prototypes thrive on the constant exchange with our environment. We design for humans first.
Our design for spaces, products, services, brands and signs has become visible in countless projects. And has won many awards. We thank our clients for this. Because today, design is the main entrepreneurial concern. It is the most effective cause of successful innovation and transformation.

Natural human sensations and intuitive actions are the most fascinating guide and companion to our work. They give us security – we can rely on them.
We have developed huna as a universal workshop emoji. It helps us to stimulate and depict feelings, moods and states of mind.