The pharmacist’s nature
APOTHEKER DR. SCHELLER is a pioneering brand in natural cosmetics. It stands for the pharmacist’s knowledge of using the healing powers of mother nature for human nature. It is natural cosmetics that work. For the brand relaunch, we developed a clear, reduced image of the modern pharmacist.
The natural cosmetics brand APOTHEKER DR. SCHELLER was founded in 1986 by pharmacist Dr. Hans-Ulrich Scheller. His conviction to make sophisticated skin care accessible to everyone has made it a well-known and widely distributed brand in the drugstore market for decades.
As a brand in the portfolio of the BCG Baden-Baden Cosmetics Group since 2011, APOTHEKER DR. SCHELLER’s credo still applies today: We put into practice what we believe in. Traditional pharmacist knowledge, innovative research and an unwavering commitment to natural active ingredients result in high-quality and effective skincare products: natural, dermatologically tested, certified, cruelty-free, vegan and made in Germany.
Authenticity and clarity are important to a target group that wants long-lasting, effective, natural care.Illustration of medicines in an early modern pharmacy from a work by the surgeon and botanist Hieronymus Brunschwig, around 1505

Authenticity and clarity are important to a target group that wants long-lasting, effective, natural care.Illustration of medicines in an early modern pharmacy from a work by the surgeon and botanist Hieronymus Brunschwig, around 1505
Back to the essence of the brand
Against the backdrop of an ever-increasing range of natural cosmetics brands, we set ourselves the task of sustainably reinterpreting the APOTHEKER DR. SCHELLER brand feeling that has grown over decades and to make it visible. It is the good feeling of being able to rely on the pharmacist’s knowledge, to feel his competent presence and to experience the essential promise of effectiveness.
“The physician should and must now emerge from nature and learn in it and from it, and there is nothing outside of it and everything is from and in nature.”
ParacelsusAlchemist, Astrologe, Naturforscher, Philosoph. 1493-1541
For us, it was a journey back to the roots of the brand. Into the pharmacist’s laboratory, into the world of volatile medicinal plant essences and protective amber glass bottles, into the clarity and transparency of shapes and colors.
The aim was to capture this special environment as clearly and transparently as possible. Always following our goal of making the knowledge of the effects of natural medicinal plants quickly comprehensible and easy to understand.

The illustrations of the plants are inspired by the St. Petersburg watercolors of Maria Sibylla Merian and are reminiscent of the craftsmanship of the pharmacy profession. With clarity and attention to detail, they communicate competence and naturalness.
Reduced to the max
In the new product and packaging design, we use a few clear elements to focus on the essential medicinal plants and their active ingredients. The hierarchy ensures clear orientation. It leads us in a vertical sequence from the world of medicinal plants to the brand mandatories. As if it were a learning curve and a cascade of effectiveness, product properties and product capabilities are revealed.

The essential funnel of the pharmacist can be found as a guiding design element in the brand image and brings the roots of the brand into a coherent picture. In various applications, it conveys the natural charge of the brand – always ready to share and pass on the essences of nature. This willingness characterizes the image of the modern pharmacist brand APOTHEKER DR. SCHELLER. It not only stands for natural cosmetics that work, but also for a holistic and sustainable approach to nature, which makes its products possible in the first place.