Container Dock Projekt – Update
Plug & Help.
The Container Dock study stands for a unique retail and logistics experience. Against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic, we expanded the adaptability of the Container Dock to include an instantly activated help center.
When we developed the idea of the Container Dock, we were fascinated by the global container traffic on oceans, rails and roads. But we were also aware of the consequences of this logistics technology that is having an ever greater impact on our environment.
The current pandemic has prompted us to demonstrate the adaptability of the container dock even in times of crisis. Its decisive advantage is its immediate systemic adaptability. The Container Dock can be converted into a centrally controlled collection and distribution point for medical and other vital supplies within a matter of hours. The existing infrastructure allows materials to be assembled, prepared for transportation to the respective destinations and dispatched in the shortest possible time.

With excellent urban transport connections, the container dock not only ensures a central acceleration of the supply chains for medical supplies. The central location also allows quick access to all necessary experts and decision-makers from the fields of medicine, pharmacy, logistics, public institutions and politics.
As a well-known urban meeting place, it is also a contact point for donations in kind from the population – a temporary hub for a wide range of aid services and a symbol of collective collaboration within society.
Oversized docking station
In the architectural ideal, the Container Dock combines freight containers filled with goods from all over the world – visible, accessible, comprehensible and tangible – into a round, rotating overall construction. In permanent plug & trade mode, preconfigured container modules are delivered, docked and logged into the existing infrastructure. They can be used immediately as a sales area, showroom, service center, event location or workshop laboratory.
The vitality of global trade and progress in logistics technology are reflected in the constant change and multi-functionality of the Container Dock as an oversized docking station.

Making global trade and logistics tangible
The iconic presence of the Container Dock is designed to attract attention. What otherwise takes place in secret in ports or at the back entrances of large shopping malls is celebrated here in public. The marketing of new goods follows a fixed choreography: approach-arrival-rotation-docking-trading. The last link in an international cargo chain becomes an event. The container dock becomes an urban and tourist meeting point with a digital interface and networking.
New convergence in the retail world
The marketing ideal for the Container Dock is synchronicity between the real format and the digital format. All actual processes, offers and events in the stationary Container Dock find their equivalent in terms of content and time in the digital medium. The Container Dock stands for a newly converging stationary and digital retail world.

Three-dimensional round table of global trade
We see the Container Dock Study as a three-dimensional round table of global trade that removes anonymity from the world of international container shipping and creates new public accessibility. In addition to providing an extraordinary experience, it is intended to develop an understanding of the complex economic interdependencies of free trade, the significance of global logistical progress, its ecological impact and the issue of sustainability. It’s a conceptual platform for a highly relevant discourse on the future.
Container Dock Experience: Approach – Arrival – Rotation – Docking – Trading

Transformation des Containers: Showroom, POS, Coffee-Bar, Workshop-Location, Mobile Office, Service-Spot, City-Forum, High-Tech Labor