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Future Hamburg

The anchor-arrow as a sign of the future

The anchor-arrow is Hamburg’s new symbol of the future and a visual guidepost for the “Future Hamburg” initiative. It supports the further transformation of the harbour city into a successful innovation location and attracts young talents, start-ups, investors, and companies to realize their ideas in Hamburg.

Hamburg is one of the world’s most successful cities in attracting companies from the digital economy. Leading international digital companies such as Adobe Systems, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Hootsuite, Smaato, snap and Twitch manage their German activities from the Hanseatic city.

The anchor-arrow is a new visual symbol of Hamburg’s attractiveness as a business metropolis. Its orientation symbolizes foresight, dynamism and guidance. It draws attention to future topics, marks locations as places of new opportunities and invites people to find, collaborate, and network in the city.

The portal will be the central online networking platform for anyone interested in the exciting innovation landscape of the metropolitan region. Here, they will receive information and competent and uncomplicated support. is an initiative of Hamburg Marketing GmbH and its subsidiary, Hamburg Invest, which aims to create new connections across borders through targeted communication in order to promote the attractiveness of the Hamburg metropolitan region at home and abroad, thereby further increasing value creation and quality of life in the city and region.

Schwebender nautischer Trichter mit Ankerpfeil als Vision für einen Ort, der Zukunft schafft.

Zeichen wie unser ikonischer Herzanker, der vom Bierlogo zum heimlichen Wahrzeichen der Stadt wurde, der Sprung über die Elbe, der über die IBA hinaus als Motivation der Stadtentwicklung mutig weiterspringt, das grüne Herz der Stadt, das dem Grossmarkt als essentiellem Versorger die verdiente Sichtbarkeit verleiht, oder der Active City Button, der alle Sport- und Bewegungsinitiativen der Stadt markiert.